
The cervical Self Screen System

The PapEasy Flexible Wand offers one size serves all comfort in a thin form factor, with a dissolvable gel protective cap that guarantees sterile sample collection.

The Connected (or offline) PapEasy App delivers HD endoscope video, AI Guidance, in-app telesupport, and results, all from a convenient personalized dashboard. Our pre-paid sterile pod and mailer deliver lab ready samples to geographically pre-selected facilities for results.

PapEasy Kit

At home (or in the field) sample collection is possible with very low cost and accuracy equal to in office visits by designing a device at a price point women are willing to pay for the convenience. Beyond retail and clinical applications, PapEasy can be deployed in environments doctors cannot, and will provide clinical level screening efficacy.

Screening Wand

Flexible wand containing brush camera in a semi-flexible insertable tube.

App Driven Software

Bluetooth connected guidance/control application for HD video to smartphone connection.

Sample Analysis

Pod preserves sample for transit to laboratory for full sample analysis.

Best Practices

Our vision is for every woman to be empowered with an effective, private, and comfortable cervical self-screening option, in order to increase global accessibility and cervical cancer survivability rates worldwide. Our Mission is to develop user friendly self-testing methodologies for the most common gynecological tests and screens, providing critical technological and user experience upgrades, bringing the OB-GYN standard-of-care model into the 21st century.

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